• kenburns6
    Cloud Hosting


Cloud enables you to get a 360-degree view of your business, anytime, from anywhere by putting all your business functions on to one single platform on the Cloud and automating and integrating them, end-to-end.

It’s a competitive world out there, and making a good first impression is vital to communicating your objectives and establishing relationships with prospective clients. That is why developing a professional image and eye-catching materials is an essential part of an effective marketing strategy. Our design team works collaboratively to give your company an eye-catching brand to put you ahead of your competitors. From logos to print work to packaging, we deliver inspired, effective, intelligent work for your brand


Cloud Services are fast becoming the engines that enables modern internet applications on mobile devices and the desktop; for the consumer and in the enterprise. Almost all applications will engage the Cloud in the future and will require some sort of cloud infrastructure and cloud computing.

voxelkraftz knows how to build , deploy and support applications that live in the cloud and power your applications, in whatever form that they may. We have experience working with cloud platforms "like" Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure. We can help speed up deployment and manage your cloud infrastructure with high quality and at a lower cost.

Our cloud services

Amazon Webservices

Google Cloud

IBM Cloud Systems

Block Storage

Windows Workloads

Cloud Virtual Machines